Friday, November 2, 2007

2 Fridays, and not much in between.

Friday, October 26 (6 hours): TJ and I went to the Alma studio today, because Jan had a meeting but John from one of the church groups had a program that he had wanted to edit, we had to take a DVD of an elementary school musical to an access user, and another woman had to drop off a program for us. John ended up staying the whole time because he always does, which is good because at least someone is using the Gratiot access center. As it turned out, we didn't have the right DVD for the woman, so we have to search through the archives to find the right one. However, this may prove to be a difficult task because a lot of tapes keep going missing from the Gratiot studio, and so if it was there in the first place it may not be there now, and that will be unfortunate.

Friday, November 2 (7 hours): Preparing for conference next week, things are getting really chaotic around the station. First, we have to make sure we've got everything set around here so that we can leave for a few days. This is kind of a big issue, because lately our Nexus (the big computer that pretty much runs everything that you see on TV- the slides, the shows, everything) has been randomly blacking out. This turns out to be an issue with producers leaving blank spots on the beginning of the dvd's, which the nexus picks up as having no content because it does this smart scan thing and if there's nothing at the beginning of the program it thinks there's an error and stops playing. However, sometimes it stops playing just for the time allotted for that program, and sometimes it's been stopping all night until we get in and fix it. Kind of a weird situation, so we must talk to the Leightronix (our electronic provider people) guy to see why it's doing it.

Second, we have an official list of things that I need to be working on, including 1) the brochure, 2) making an instructional sheet for the new Panasonic cameras, 3) I still need to make a show 4) we need to start calling the NPO's that we sent surveys to, as most have not responded to our mailing (not that it's really a surprise because mailings aren't that effective).

Third: today I did my first official camera check-out. As in, I gathered the equipment and filled out the check-out sheet for the user, and then he took the equipment for the weekend. This was pretty cool, because it shows that I'm becoming more familiar with the equipment and am able to actually function in the role of a "real" employee. Woo hoo!

Total of 102.5 hours so far.

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